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Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analytics service that provides aggregated and real-time insights into how our website is being found, navigated and used, and provides us with very useful information on how to optimise our website and make it more user-friendly. It uses (Java)scripts that place cookies on your computer and assign you a unique ID as you visit our website. This ID allows the scripts to recognise you when you return to our website, and to track your usage of our website.

Information that is collected by Google Analytics scripts is sent to and processed on Google’s servers. Bearing in mind that Google continuously updates and refines its technologies, this information includes at least realtime tracking; acquisition (how did you find our website, which source referred you to us); engagement (how do you navigate our website, which pages do you visit, and for how long, bounce rate); monetisation (whether your visit has generated a business transaction); retention (whether you are a new or a returning visitor); demographics (the IP address from where you connect to the internet, and if available your age and gender); tech (the device you view our website on, the browser, the operating system); and events (whether you complete a quantifiable goal we want from our website visitors).

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