Born in 1989, Ursula Cloete – or ‘Nona’ as she is known here at BK – attended primary and high schools in Riebeek Kasteel and Malmesbury before she took on a job as a cashier at SPAR, where she worked for four years. She moved to Elandsberg Farms in 2016, and has been living here with her husband and three beautiful children (two boys and a girl) ever since.
Starting out as a housekeeper in 2016, Nona’s curiosity and eagerness to educate herself has enabled her to be promoted to the position of ‘Head of Housekeeping’ she takes up at BK today.
When not at work, Nona likes to dance, and to knit and be creative, and to spend time in her home garden or wherever she can be close to nature. Most of all she enjoys learning from other people – learning from their experiences, or sharing new experiences with them.